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Focus on Aromatherapy - Shinrin Yoku - Gynecology
und naturheilkundliche Onlinekurse
Owner N. Koepke

Are you convinced of my offers, would you like to earn some extra money and do you have a large readership on your website, in a forum, on Instagram or wherever? Then sign up for my affiliate program today.
You get 25% of the revenue from courses booked through your affiliate link.
Ideal for pensioners, housewives, etc., who want to earn something extra or earn a good extra income.
And this is how it works
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The payout is always paid out after one month by the 15th of each month, but only when the customer/participant has paid the fee in full . When paying in installments, the counts here last Rate. The price of the course counts minus/without starter sets, for distance learning the full price applies, since no starter sets are sent. Participation from 18 years. I reserve the right to adjust, change or remove the offer altogether. In any case, you will be informed in good time. Your partner ID will be sent to you by email. You can get out at any time without giving a reason, you will not incur any costs. Of course, your remaining credit will be paid out to you at the above deadline, without ifs and buts.
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