Mobil: 0157-54476675 - Mail: naturpaedagogikzentrum@gmail.com oder zan-nicole@outlook.de (weitere s.u.)

Focus on Aromatherapy - Shinrin Yoku - Gynecology
und naturheilkundliche Onlinekurse
Owner N. Koepke

Ab 2026 im Präsenzunterricht
Online training - from spring 2023 - ZfU certified
Shinrin Yoku Coach distance learning ZfU
Shinrin Yoku Coach ZAN/Forest Therapist ZAN*
Start: any time
Cost: 490 euros
Extra: 2 additional modules (forest ecology & forest pedagogy), exams, homework, certificate, supervision, etc.
>>> More info <<<
Available from autumn/winter 2022
ZfU certified/state
Limited places
* Certificate for doctors and non-medical practitioners
Forest bathing distance learning
Course leader forest bathing ZAN
Start: any time
Cost: 250 euros
Extra: 10% for newsletter subscribers
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Pure self-study with certificate
forest bathing
Additional modules & webinars
Extra modules to book
Also possible without distance learning
Start: any time
Cost: 50-150 euros
Extra: 50% for former graduates
>>> More info <<<