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Focus on Aromatherapy - Shinrin Yoku - Gynecology
und naturheilkundliche Onlinekurse
Owner N. Koepke
What is the difference between distance learning and online education?Distance learning With distance learning, you learn completely for yourself and are not tied to appointments. You don't have any face-to-face appointments that you have to drive to. You learn when, how, where and for as long as you want in the specified periods. The distance learning course contains nothing but the course documents and videos, the most necessary contact, the certificate by e-mail and the ZAN label license. But they are very inexpensive to have and still contain 100% knowledge. These courses start at 250 euros. Online training In the online training you get access to all areas of the booked course, to the online campus and are automatically VIP Member. However, online training also includes support, submission tasks, examinations, theses, references and the certificate. Many courses also include: starter sets for webinars and practical applications and/or gifts at the end. Most online training should be certified by the ZfU. Online training courses start at 490 euros, depending on course size, certification, webinars and sets. Practical training In the practical training, everything is very compact but full of content. This shortens the time and there are face-to-face appointments that have to be met. You will receive the documents in printed form in a nice folder. We have the theoretical part on Saturdays and the practical part immediately afterwards on Sunday. In the case of shorter knowledge transfers, theory and practice take place in one day (Saturday). Practical training starts at 980 euros, without care and accommodation. The participants are (still) responsible for them. However, in-house accommodation and supply is planned.
Is there a trial period?Of course. You don't need to buy a pig in a poke. I am convinced of my study documents and training and therefore give you 4 weeks to test the documents and the restricted campus area free of charge. However, the trial period is limited to 1 trial lesson/1 module including learning videos (if available) and the campus area. Please also note that no vouchers, downloads, etc. are available to you during the trial period. After or during the trial period you don't have to do anything if you are not interested in a course, you will be automatically removed after the trial period ends. But if you want to get off to a flying start, all you have to do is follow the link at the end of the respective documents or contact me briefly. Only now is the course subject to a fee.
Can I pay in installments?Of course, there is also the option of paying for your distance learning in installments. You can pay in one installment, i.e. the entire course price, and become unlocked for everything. Then you can choose between two and six installments, then you will be unlocked per paid module. In the case of installment payments, the monthly installments are rounded up to a full five or ten (e.g. EUR 83.33 = EUR 85 | EUR 87.85 = EUR 90). Certificate, testimonials and gift will only be sent after completion and full payment. Note: All courses can be paid for in a maximum of six installments.
What does ZfU certified mean?Courses that are approved and certified by the Central Testing Center for Distance Learning (ZfU for short) are characterized by good quality, regular revision and testing, and state control in distance learning. Here, among other things, the learning material is checked for content, knowledge transfer and achievability of the goal. I deliberately decided against certification for the time being to see how everything works. In the long run, with the exception of the private further training courses and pure self-study, all online training will be subject to an examination.
What does the ZAN label mean and how can I use it?What does the ZAN label mean? The ZAN label means that you have not completed a run-of-the-mill course, but a high-quality distance learning course or high-quality online training. In the future, further correspondence courses such as aromatherapy, the resilience trainer (work in progress) will definitely be certified by the state center for distance learning. One of the reasons I structured the "Forest Bathing" course so that it does not require certification, because that's the only way I can keep the price low. A ZfU certification also means a higher price range, since this costs not insignificantly high fees. How can and may I use it? Once you have completed and been awarded the certificate for your online training/distance studies and, of course, your practical training, you will receive the download for the ZAN label in the campus area. You can present this label on your website, among other things, to show that you have completed a high-quality course. You can put it in your ads, print it on banners, basically anything. You may not only cut, change or similar without obtaining my prior consent. A license fee is also not required. Permanently natural.
Are the courses state-recognized or certified?I'm still at the beginning of the training opportunities, which is why I'm not yet a state-recognized training center. I can only apply for this after two years of activity and I will of course do so. There are many providers of online courses on the market that do not have state certification and are not immediately dubious, so it is with my offers and the ZAN, I promise ;)
Is there a notice period or a revocation?Of course, you will have a 14-day cancellation period, unless you specifically instruct me to fulfill the contract ahead of time and hand over or make available to you all of the documents before the cancellation period expires. Here is the general terms and conditions and cancellation section: Exception to the right of withdrawal The right of withdrawal lapses in the case of a contract for the supply of digital content that is not on a tangible medium as soon as performance of the contract has started, after the consumer has expressly agreed that the entrepreneur can start performing the contract before the end of the cooling-off period (Checkbox when ordering) and has thus confirmed his knowledge that he loses his right of withdrawal through his consent at the beginning of the execution of the contract. A refund of the course fee is therefore excluded. The right of cancellation does not apply to contracts that were requested within the cancellation period and whose contract (contract performance) I have executed prematurely by sending the documents. ---> § 312g Abs. 2 BGB and § 356 Abs. 4 BGB The Distance Selling Act and the Distance Learning Act state, according to Section 5 FernUSG, that termination is possible and permissible for the first time after six months: For the first time, termination is possible at the end of the first half of the year after the conclusion of the contract with a notice period of six weeks. After the end of the first six months, you can cancel at any time with a notice period of three months. ---> You can cancel monthly until the 15th of each month and only for installment payments. If the contract has been fulfilled in full at your request, i.e. the contract has been fulfilled during the cancellation period and test phase and you have been provided with the complete learning material, termination is no longer possible. The termination must be in writing by email or letter, a reason is not required, but interesting for my service (voluntary). A fax is not possible. You will only be billed for the contract content that has been fulfilled so far. The costs for material that has already been handed out (documents, starter pack, etc.) will be adhered to. You will not incur any further costs. Please also read my terms and conditions.
I completed a course and now there is a tutorial video. Can I access it?Yes. If there is a video within a year, you will get free access to it if you subscribe to me. This applies to learning videos, webinars and modules that are part of the course, i.e. no additional modules that are subject to a fee. The newsletter is of course free of charge and you can easily unsubscribe at any time with just one click. It is only necessary so that you do not miss such offers and news. You'll also benefit from general discounts, unpublished items and more.
Why are the prices different for some courses?I'd like to answer that because I want to be transparent. In principle, the distance learning courses only include the study documents, learning videos, the ZAN label license and the certificate. The support is very spartan and only via email contact. It is purely self-study. This is suitable for anyone who would like to get an education in a cheap sector. The online training includes full support (e-mail, telephone), control of the tasks sent in, evaluation of the theses, certificates, state certification by the ZfU (subject to a fee for the provider), often lovingly prepared starter sets and /or gifts, educational videos, webinars and live webinars. And that for the entire study period. In addition, some training courses are very complex, contain more content and are more popular. This also means that due to time constraints, I can offer a little less here than pure distance learning. So I can offer optimal support and live webinars.
Kursinterne Rabatte bei weiterer Ausbildung - Welche Rabatte gibt es im ZAN?Ehemalige Absolventen von mindestens einem abgeschlossenen Fernlehrgang/eines Fernstudiums bekommen... ---> 50% Rabatt auf Zusatzmodule und Webinare und 10% Rabatt auf weitere Kurse. Außerdem gibt es für Absolventen eines reinen Fernstudiums, die sich später dazu entschließen, einen ZfU-zertifizierten Kurs zu machen, die Möglichkeit, den Kurs mit Zahlung der Differenz zum kleineren Kurs zu absolvieren. Dies gilt nur für den jeweiligen Kurs wie Waldbaden (Kursleiter Waldbaden = Shinrin Yoku Coach). So kannst du nicht erst das Fernstudium zum Kursleiter Waldbaden ZAN absolvieren und dann nur die Differenz zum Aromatherapie Fachberater ZAN zahlen. Hinweis: Rabatte gelten nur für ehemalige Teilnehmer, die einen Kurs abgeschlossen haben und für Newsletter-Abonnenten, die mindestens seit einem Jahr kontinuierlich den Newsletter empfangen und lesen. Hin und wieder gibt es für meine Absolventen zusätzlich einen satten Sonderrabatt. Die Rabatte können nicht auf andere Absprachen gegengerechnet werden. Es gilt allerdings immer der höchste Wert für dich ;) Hinweis: Du kannst zeitgleich den 50% Rabatt und den 10% Rabatt nutzen, jedoch gilt bei Sonderrabatten immer die höheren Ersparnis für dich ;)
Sind die Kurse Bildungsgutschein oder Krankenkassen relevant?Bildungsgutscheine Das ZAN vergibt, wie andere Schulen auch, selbst keine Bildungsgutscheine. Vor Teilnahme an einem Fernstudium/Fernlehrgang empfehle ich das Einholen von Informationen zu staatlicher Förderung zur Weiterbildung bei den zuständigen Ämtern wie das Arbeitsamt (AZAV) usw. Diese prüfen das Angebot und stellen bei Bedarf einen Bildungsgutschein bis zu 500 Euro einmalig aus. AZAV geförderte Kurse werden mit bis zu 100% Förderung unterstützt. Laut BUND werden nur Weiterbildungen unterstützt, die in Vollzeit ausgeführt werden, also weder neben einem Hauptberuf, noch während der Freizeit. Eine Unterstützung durch BAföG ist nur für staatlich anerkannte Fernstudien möglich, wie Bachelor, Master, Abitur usw. Krankenkassen Einige Krankenkassen, vor allem die Privaten, bieten Teilnehmern an Kursen zur Prävention eine Kostenübernahme an. Diese sollten von Kursgebern erfragt werden oder die Teilnehmer nehmen direkt mit ihren Krankenkassen Kontakt diesbezüglich auf. Schulen selbst, die Aus- und Weiterbildungen anbieten, bieten dies nicht an, da nicht die Kurse und Ausbildungen präventiv sind, sondern die Ausführungen der späteren Angebote der ehemaligen Teilnehmer. Krankenkassen zahlen Kurse mit einer ➡ Zertifizierung von Präventionskursen nach § 20 Abs.1 SGB V. Hierzu zählen beispielsweise Kurse mit den Handlungsfeldern Stressbewältigung (Resilienz), Bewegung, Ernährung u.a. Hinweis: Das ZAN arbeitet bereits daran, auch mit den Arbeitsämtern und Krankenkassen zusammenzuarbeiten. Dies bedingt einige Zeit, Aufwendungen, Kosten und Bedingungen, die das ZAN aktuell noch nicht erfüllt. Ein großer Sprung jedoch in Richtung staatliche Anerkennung wurde bereits getan. Das ZAN arbeitet darauf hin, eine Anlaufstelle und eine der größten naturheilkundlichen und naturpädagogischen Schulen (online und offline) zu werden.
Future...... there are only two forms of training: Pure distance learning (self-study) from 250 euros Distance learning ZfU (state-certified) from 290 euros.
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