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animal shelter

Animals have been with me since I could walk and my love for them has been growing for just as long. You can love many animals, but there is only one animal of the heart. I experienced that myself. But giving up for the long term is out of the question for me, because it is my destiny to help animals. That fills me. That's why I decided to take in animals to help them find good homes again. Many animals run around outside day and night, summer and winter, not knowing what to eat or where to sleep and not to mention the diseases they catch when they stray.

I try to finance it out of my own pocket as much as possible, which is not easy due to various circumstances. But maybe you can help me, because every euro and every gift counts. I am not (yet) a registered association, but that will also be tackled as soon as possible. You can also buy something through my links (e.g. Amazon) here on the site, I get a few cents to euros for it and you don't pay more because of it. There is also the option of sending me a product via my Amazon wish list  . Or maybe you can find something in my photo shop 😉 I use the money to set up and maintain the animal care center and of course the animals themselves 😉

I've always wanted a large farm where I can take in all kinds of animals, whether small or large, old or young, handicapped or not. I'm working towards that.


Center for nature education - experience nature for young and old

Spring/Summer 2022

Planned later

This course is currently being tested by the ZfU.

This website is currently being revised, so there may be design changes, link errors and other errors.

This course will be available in a revised form shortly!

Seit November 2022 gibt es einen anderen Newsletter, in dem es Neuigkeiten usw. gibt.

Hier wird ab März 2023 nur noch der reine Blog veröffentlicht, ohne Updates.

Dieser wird chronologisch und nicht mehr als Kategorie aufgeführt. Er besitzt aber eine interne Suchmaschine ;)

Ab Frühjahr 2023 werden viele Fachartikel nur noch für VIP-Gold-Mitglieder lesbar sein.

Für nur 4.99 Cent kannst du sie 1 Jahr lang lesen, egal welche und wie viele ;)

The first tender souls are already with us, two tomcat brothers , about 15 to 17 years old, one of them is unfortunately blind. They couldn't bear to be approached and always got into fights. Since we've had them, we've gradually brought them back together, now they eat next to each other and lie together with us. We were told that they "served" as football for the children, among other things. That's all in the past now and they're getting a little spoiled. These two guys aren't being placed either, because they've gotten used to everything here.

By the way: You are also welcome to sponsor one or both cats. Just get in touch with me 😊😉

The content of my training is currently being examined for state certification, which means that it is state-recognized, certified and approved as distance learning. Please contact your responsible employment office for information about an education voucher.

Moritz and Mogli , but also the animals we take in in the future, are always happy about a donation of food, a new sleeping blanket, etc. Every euro helps, that's the only way I can help the animals.

The animals and I say


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A website is in the works, as is the founding of an association etc.


Parika seed mixture "Surprise" - 2.50 incl. shipping

  • 30 seeds with mixed red, yellow and green peppers

The colors are delivered mixed. Color requests on request. Discount from 100 seeds = 30%.

Order here .

Mogli der Stalker.jpg
Moritz der Starke.jpg
Dein Newsletter - Immer up to date bleiben
+ unveröffentlichte Rezepte und Angebote. Begrüßungsgeschenk: Waldbad-Anleitung als PDF

Vielen Dank für deine Anmeldung und schön, dass du dabei bist! Du bekommst bal eine Begrüßungsnachricht von mir ;)

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