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Focus on Aromatherapy - Shinrin Yoku - Gynecology
und naturheilkundliche Onlinekurse
Owner N. Koepke
Behind the center is a chain of strange circumstances and a big dream. My big dream is to build an idyllic farm where I can take in maltreated animal souls and give them a little happiness, love, tenderness, confidence and a good permanent home. On the farm I would like to give children and disabled people a way to nature and the animal world (animal-assisted therapy) and also create jobs. From my forest bath courses, I regularly spend a certain amount on planting new trees . This is my dream, that's why I do what I do.
How did the center come about? On a walk (of course through my beloved forest) a few thoughts about the future went through my head. Since I offer a lot of different things related to herbal education and more are planned, I had an idea that was even spun to the point of founding my own school. This is how a private garden blog very quickly became the little herb fairy, which was followed by the idea of a contact point, a whole: a center, a contact point for questions and concerns about the healing world of herbs and Shinrin Yoku. I am so happy that I can be close to my forest and thus also to the wild animals without having to be a forester. I have absolutely no idea where my professional path will lead me, but I will go because I have to (meaning positively).
About me: My name is Nicole, I am married, have a son and live in beautiful Mecklenburg-West Pomerania, the land of a thousand lakes, wolves and many trees, an animal and nature-friendly state. That's where I belong. I love trees and I love to roam the forest for hours, usually armed with a camera to capture many wonderful moments. I love making my own natural products and cooking with what nature has to offer. Animals and nature have fascinated and fascinated me since I was a child. Unfortunately, I had to take a different path professionally for a very long time. But now I can bring the fascination of nature and naturopathy with all its facets and possibilities closer to interested people and even train them.
A tiny seed grows into a small, delicate plant and at some point a tree stretches its majestic crown into the sky, defying storms and lightning, simply admirable and worthy of protection. Herbs have always fascinated me, they grow everywhere, are almost indestructible and there is so much good in them. I have always liked to experiment with the different possibilities and have now taken the path of herbal education to build something great. Constant further training is also important to me in order to expand and deepen existing knowledge and to stay up to date. If you want to know more about me and my work, then either take a look around the website or just get to know me on one of my hikes, at a stand or in a course 😉
You can actually say it very simply: I like showing people the way back to nature, sensitizing them to nature and doing this as a bread job to help animals. I personally don't need much, but the animals need everything. And I'm working on that...
My focus: Shinrin Yoku, aromatherapy and gynecology.
Who is behind the Center for Nature Education?
my qualifications
Certified herbalist
Shinrin Yoku Coach
Qualified aroma consultant
Copywriter and pseudonymous author
Naturopath (HP) in training
And other training courses