Focus on Aromatherapy - Shinrin Yoku - Gynecology
und naturheilkundliche Onlinekurse
Owner N. Koepke
Great herbal women and men
Even before my training as a herbalist, I got to know some great herbalists, albeit unfortunately not personally. I subscribed to them, bought their books and made them my role models. I would like to introduce you to three of my favorite herbal experts here. Maybe I'll be able to do a little interview :)
Hildegard von Bingen
Ruth Pfennighaus
Karen Greiner
I like others too, but I only have three of them that I really like:
Geführte Meditation: Seelenreise, Krafttiere, Kraftorte, Stärken usw.
Hypnose: Entwöhnung von schlechten Angewohnheiten, Schlafprobleme, Traumaarbeit, allgemeine Entspannung, Loslassen, Gewichtsreduktion, Seelenheil usw.
Schamanische Heilarbeit: Krafttierreise, schamanische Reise, Seelenrückholung, Traumaarbeit, Trommeln usw.