Mobil: 0157-54476675 - Mail: naturpaedagogikzentrum@gmail.com oder zan-nicole@outlook.de (weitere s.u.)

Focus on Aromatherapy - Shinrin Yoku - Gynecology
und naturheilkundliche Onlinekurse
Owner N. Koepke

Warm welcome
To enjoy nature with all its facets holistically, with all your senses and without technology, or even the knowledge that you can eat some wild herbs, unfortunately has to be taught almost as a subject today, because today's children are more likely to learn how how to use a computer, make yourself famous in social media or which app is the coolest. Not only children move away from nature and being nature.
In my workshops, excursions, etc., we simply take a few steps back and take care of the essentials together. In this way we learn to rediscover nature and use it for ourselves. With a forest bath we come back to the ego and can forget the time. As a qualified herbalist, qualified aroma consultant and certified Shinrin Yoku Coach, I would like to experience nature with you in a new, different way or at all. I give courses (herbal excursions, workshops, etc. on the subject of DIY with nature) and give lectures at adult education centres, nature reserves and at trade fairs. The first offers of training and further education on the subject of nature education have just started. Areas of forest ecology, animal-assisted therapy, pedagogy for children, seniors and the disabled as well as other interesting teaching content are to be added here. But I'll be happy to tell you about that.
First of all I wish you
Have fun on my site! 😊