Mobil: 0157-54476675 - Mail: oder (weitere s.u.)
Focus on Aromatherapy - Shinrin Yoku - Gynecology
und naturheilkundliche Onlinekurse
Owner N. Koepke
Candles for a good cause...
I already announced it on Instagram and now I would like to write about it. I've been thinking about how I can slowly expand my animal welfare work even further. Here you can find out what idea I have and how you can help me with it without any costs/expenses...
The complete course content is available to you within 24 hours after receipt of payment. This applies to the documents and access to the learning videos. Since I immediately provide the complete course, the revocation according to § 312g Abs. 2 BGB und § 356 Abs. 4 BGB expires.
The idea
We all love candles and actually everyone has some at home, sometimes more, sometimes less. You buy more of them at Christmas and Easter. And especially at Christmas, there are a lot of butts left over that somehow disappear in the household or are even thrown away. And here is a great opportunity that costs you nothing, is sustainable and does something good. I would like to collect leftover candles, reuse them and sell them to benefit my animal sanctuary. By the way, the two tomcat brothers Mogli and Moritz are happy to have a nice godmother.
Dieser Bereich enthält alle z.Z. angebotenen Kurse und Ausbildungen im Bereich Waldbaden, vom vollwertigen Fernstudium pur (s. FAQ) bis zum staatlich zugelassenen ZfU-Fernstudium. Für eine nähere Beschreibung bitte ich dich auf die Seiten der Kursbeschreibung zu schauen. Hier stelle ich dir beide Kurse nur in Kurzform vor.
Dein Geburtsdatum für das Zertifikat, das Zeugnis und zur Kontrolle deiner Volljährigkeit
Bitte gib nebenstehend unter Deine Daten deinen Geburtstag (für Zertifikat, Zeugnis und zur Volljährigkeitsüberprüfung), deine Kontodaten (Inhaber, IBAN und Institut) an. Diese Daten benötige ich zur Vertragsannahme. Den Teil der Kontodaten kannst du bei einem Sofortkauf auslassen, er ist nur für die Ratenzahlung wichtig.
Hier sollen Bereiche der Waldökologie, tiergestützte Therapie, die Pädagogik für Kinder, Senioren und Behinderte sowie andere interessante Lehrinhalte hinzu kommen. Aber darüber berichte ich dir dann noch gern.
Wenn dir der eine oder andere öffentliche Blogartikel gefallen hat, den ich dir dauerhaft kostenlos und ohne Paywall zur Verfügung stelle, wäre es lieb von dir, wenn du sie mal teilen würdest (Facebook, Pinterest, wo auch immer).
Durch den Kauf der hier aufgeführten Produkte, von denen ich nur kleine Beträge bekomme, unterstützt du meine private Tierschutzarbeit.
Got leftover candles?
From a candle weight of approx. 2 kilograms you could pack them in an old box and send them to me, bring them to me or I can pick them up. Within a radius of 15 kilometers around 19294. If you want to send them to me, I will of course pay the postage.
How are you?
Collect around 2 kilos of leftover candles and pack them in a box. Then just send me an email asking you to transfer the shipping costs. You can find my address here . If you really want to do something good for the animals, you are welcome to send me the box without calculating shipping costs and mail. Animal lovers who do this regularly and at no cost to the animal care center are welcome to be named and linked on my site. This is my thanks to you.
Do you have any questions or are you interested in adopting an animal? Then use the contact form now and write to me ;)
Natürlich berate ich dich gern rundum, allerdings habe ich auch einige Schwerpunkte, mit denen ich mich mehr beschäftige als mit anderen. Da wären meine speziellen Fünf, the big five oder auch meine Top Five: "Die natürliche Hausapotheke", "Frauenheilkunde", "Heiltees", "Dufte Sachen" und "DIY-Naturkosmetik". Hier kann ich gern als Referentin zu dir nach Hause oder in eine Institution kommen. Theoretisch und/oder praktisch. Sprich mich doch einfach mal an 😉
online education
incl. support, knowledge check, online campus, gift and much more.
For more information please move the mouse over it
This course is suitable for anyone who doesn't have the time or for whom other providers are too far away. This course takes place online as a distance learning course. The documents will be made available to you online via your campus area and as a download. After studying the documents, you let me know that there will be no exam (just a separate knowledge test after each module and a big one afterwards) and I will send you your certificate and a great reward.
You have unlimited time to work through your documents, as it is more flexible than in practical training. After successfully completing your forest bathing training, you will also receive a license to use the ZAN label. Even after you have completed your training, you will have free access to the online campus (course and public area) and permanent access to the ZAN VIP area for as long as you like. There you will always find updated study documents and more.
After completing the training, you will be a certified course instructor in Waldbaden ZAN©.
Content of the course is (only the module chapters, without subcategories):
Module 1: Basics of Shinrin Yoku - The Basics
Module 2: Compact forest ecology
_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Healing effects and ethereal essences of the forest
_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Communication system forest
Module 3: Basic knowledge about stress
_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ External influences and their effect on body, mind and soulModule 4: healing effects and areas of application
_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Indications and contraindications
_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Extra: forest bathing for children, disabled and seniors
Module 5: Using the possibilities of forest therapy correctly
_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Extra: How colors affect our mood and health
Module 6: Exercises and use of the senses
_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Extra: exercises for children, disabled and seniors
Module 7: Statutory and legal bases
_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Extra: Marketing
Course fee: 490 euros*
Incl. online campus and VIP area, documents (PDF), certificate of completion (email and post), 1-year access to the updated documents and gift
100% credit within one year for the online course "Forest bathing - for home use", 50% discount on advanced modules of the respective course and 10% discount on the next course (see documents for information).
Start: any time
Duration: 12 months
Payable: in advance before sending the documents by bank transfer. The bank details come with the purchase confirmation.
Cancellation: You can find the cancellation policy in the course information or here .
A notice:
If you have booked the online course "Forest bathing - for home use" within a year, I will credit you with this amount in full for this training! In order to be able to offer this course at a reasonable price, I have structured it in such a way that it does not fall within the scope of state approval.
I cannot accept any responsibility for damage or similar when copying the content. For private use, a forest pool is also possible without the permission of the forest owner.
Further courses for aroma consultants
Online training with supervision, homework, final exam, report card and certificate
Including printed documents
Incl. soft cover manual
490 euros
Online training with supervision, homework, final exam, report card and certificate
Including printed documents
Incl. hardcover manual
Incl. starter set essential oils (100% natural)
990 euros
Complete one-year training
Incl. practice (face-to-face appointments/block lessons)
and incl. all above-mentioned additions
(Hardcover, printed documents etc.)
1490 euros
Für eine außerordentliche Kündigung (ohne Grund, Nachweis notwendig) wird eine Bearbeitungsgebühr in Höhe von 50 Euro erhoben.
Candles for a good cause...
I already announced it on Instagram and now I would like to write about it. I've been thinking about how I can slowly expand my animal welfare work even further. Here you can find out what idea I have and how you can help me with it without any costs/expenses...
The complete course content is available to you within 24 hours after receipt of payment. This applies to the documents and access to the learning videos. Since I immediately provide the complete course, the revocation according to § 312g Abs. 2 BGB und § 356 Abs. 4 BGB expires.
The idea
We all love candles and actually everyone has some at home, sometimes more, sometimes less. You buy more of them at Christmas and Easter. And especially at Christmas, there are a lot of butts left over that somehow disappear in the household or are even thrown away. And here is a great opportunity that costs you nothing, is sustainable and does something good. I would like to collect leftover candles, reuse them and sell them to benefit my animal sanctuary. By the way, the two tomcat brothers Mogli and Moritz are happy to have a nice godmother.
Hier sollen Bereiche der Waldökologie, tiergestützte Therapie, die Pädagogik für Kinder, Senioren und Behinderte sowie andere interessante Lehrinhalte hinzu kommen. Aber darüber berichte ich dir dann noch gern.
Wenn dir der eine oder andere öffentliche Blogartikel gefallen hat, den ich dir dauerhaft kostenlos und ohne Paywall zur Verfügung stelle, wäre es lieb von dir, wenn du sie mal teilen würdest (Facebook, Pinterest, wo auch immer).
Durch den Kauf der hier aufgeführten Produkte, von denen ich nur kleine Beträge bekomme, unterstützt du meine private Tierschutzarbeit.
That's what my participants say
" This is how learning is fun... I really like the structure. " Manuela
" The documents are very well thought out, structured and learning is easy. " Tatjana
Dieser Bereich enthält alle z.Z. angebotenen Kurse und Ausbildungen im Bereich Waldbaden, vom vollwertigen Fernstudium pur (s. FAQ) bis zum staatlich zugelassenen ZfU-Fernstudium. Für eine nähere Beschreibung bitte ich dich auf die Seiten der Kursbeschreibung zu schauen. Hier stelle ich dir beide Kurse nur in Kurzform vor.
Dein Geburtsdatum für das Zertifikat, das Zeugnis und zur Kontrolle deiner Volljährigkeit
Bitte gib nebenstehend unter Deine Daten deinen Geburtstag (für Zertifikat, Zeugnis und zur Volljährigkeitsüberprüfung), deine Kontodaten (Inhaber, IBAN und Institut) an. Diese Daten benötige ich zur Vertragsannahme. Den Teil der Kontodaten kannst du bei einem Sofortkauf auslassen, er ist nur für die Ratenzahlung wichtig.
Got leftover candles?
From a candle weight of approx. 2 kilograms you could pack them in an old box and send them to me, bring them to me or I can pick them up. Within a radius of 15 kilometers around 19294. If you want to send them to me, I will of course pay the postage.
How are you?
Collect around 2 kilos of leftover candles and pack them in a box. Then just send me an email asking you to transfer the shipping costs. You can find my address here . If you really want to do something good for the animals, you are welcome to send me the box without calculating shipping costs and mail. Animal lovers who do this regularly and at no cost to the animal care center are welcome to be named and linked on my site. This is my thanks to you.
Do you have any questions or are you interested in adopting an animal? Then use the contact form now and write to me ;)
Natürlich berate ich dich gern rundum, allerdings habe ich auch einige Schwerpunkte, mit denen ich mich mehr beschäftige als mit anderen. Da wären meine speziellen Fünf, the big five oder auch meine Top Five: "Die natürliche Hausapotheke", "Frauenheilkunde", "Heiltees", "Dufte Sachen" und "DIY-Naturkosmetik". Hier kann ich gern als Referentin zu dir nach Hause oder in eine Institution kommen. Theoretisch und/oder praktisch. Sprich mich doch einfach mal an 😉
online education
incl. support, knowledge check, online campus, gift and much more.
For more information please move the mouse over it
This course is suitable for anyone who doesn't have the time or for whom other providers are too far away. This course takes place online as a distance learning course. The documents will be made available to you online via your campus area and as a download. After studying the documents, you let me know that there will be no exam (just a separate knowledge test after each module and a big one afterwards) and I will send you your certificate and a great reward.
You have unlimited time to work through your documents, as it is more flexible than in practical training. After successfully completing your forest bathing training, you will also receive a license to use the ZAN label. Even after you have completed your training, you will have free access to the online campus (course and public area) and permanent access to the ZAN VIP area for as long as you like. There you will always find updated study documents and more.
After completing the training, you will be a certified course instructor in Waldbaden ZAN©.
Content of the course is (only the module chapters, without subcategories):
Module 1: Basics of Shinrin Yoku - The Basics
Module 2: Compact forest ecology
_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Healing effects and ethereal essences of the forest
_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Communication system forest
Module 3: Basic knowledge about stress
_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ External influences and their effect on body, mind and soulModule 4: healing effects and areas of application
_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Indications and contraindications
_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Extra: forest bathing for children, disabled and seniors
Module 5: Using the possibilities of forest therapy correctly
_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Extra: How colors affect our mood and health
Module 6: Exercises and use of the senses
_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Extra: exercises for children, disabled and seniors
Module 7: Statutory and legal bases
_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Extra: Marketing
Course fee: 490 euros*
Incl. online campus and VIP area, documents (PDF), certificate of completion (email and post), 1-year access to the updated documents and gift
100% credit within one year for the online course "Forest bathing - for home use", 50% discount on advanced modules of the respective course and 10% discount on the next course (see documents for information).
Start: any time
Duration: 12 months
Payable: in advance before sending the documents by bank transfer. The bank details come with the purchase confirmation.
Cancellation: You can find the cancellation policy in the course information or here .
A notice:
If you have booked the online course "Forest bathing - for home use" within a year, I will credit you with this amount in full for this training! In order to be able to offer this course at a reasonable price, I have structured it in such a way that it does not fall within the scope of state approval.
I cannot accept any responsibility for damage or similar when copying the content. For private use, a forest pool is also possible without the permission of the forest owner.
Further courses for aroma consultants
Online training with supervision, homework, final exam, report card and certificate
Including printed documents
Incl. soft cover manual
490 euros
Online training with supervision, homework, final exam, report card and certificate
Including printed documents
Incl. hardcover manual
Incl. starter set essential oils (100% natural)
990 euros
Complete one-year training
Incl. practice (face-to-face appointments/block lessons)
and incl. all above-mentioned additions
(Hardcover, printed documents etc.)
1490 euros
Für eine außerordentliche Kündigung (ohne Grund, Nachweis notwendig) wird eine Bearbeitungsgebühr in Höhe von 50 Euro erhoben.
Mein Einsatz für Natur und Tiere
Schon von klein auf habe ich mich für Tiere eingesetzt und so zogen vor allem Vögel, Insekten usw. als kleines Kind bei uns ein, die ich aufgepäppelt habe. Später rettete ich ein Pferd aus schlechten Verhältnissen und kaufte es dem Besitzer für teures Geld ab, einige Katzen und ein traumhafter Tierheimhund zogen bei uns ein. Es gab nur wenige Tiere wie meinen geliebten Balin, die wir aus einer Zucht erworben haben. Ich möchte gern den Tieren helfen, die keine Chance haben. Und so träume ich von einem Gnadenhof für alte, geschundene Tierseeelen und Tiergestützter Arbeit mit Behinderten und Senioren.
Auf der vorläufigen Webseite gibt es mehr ;)
Candles for a good cause...
I already announced it on Instagram and now I would like to write about it. I've been thinking about how I can slowly expand my animal welfare work even further. Here you can find out what idea I have and how you can help me with it without any costs/expenses...
The complete course content is available to you within 24 hours after receipt of payment. This applies to the documents and access to the learning videos. Since I immediately provide the complete course, the revocation according to § 312g Abs. 2 BGB und § 356 Abs. 4 BGB expires.
The idea
We all love candles and actually everyone has some at home, sometimes more, sometimes less. You buy more of them at Christmas and Easter. And especially at Christmas, there are a lot of butts left over that somehow disappear in the household or are even thrown away. And here is a great opportunity that costs you nothing, is sustainable and does something good. I would like to collect leftover candles, reuse them and sell them to benefit my animal sanctuary. By the way, the two tomcat brothers Mogli and Moritz are happy to have a nice godmother.
Hier sollen Bereiche der Waldökologie, tiergestützte Therapie, die Pädagogik für Kinder, Senioren und Behinderte sowie andere interessante Lehrinhalte hinzu kommen. Aber darüber berichte ich dir dann noch gern.
Wenn dir der eine oder andere öffentliche Blogartikel gefallen hat, den ich dir dauerhaft kostenlos und ohne Paywall zur Verfügung stelle, wäre es lieb von dir, wenn du sie mal teilen würdest (Facebook, Pinterest, wo auch immer).
Durch den Kauf der hier aufgeführten Produkte, von denen ich nur kleine Beträge bekomme, unterstützt du meine private Tierschutzarbeit.
That's what my participants say
" This is how learning is fun... I really like the structure. " Manuela
" The documents are very well thought out, structured and learning is easy. " Tatjana
Dieser Bereich enthält alle z.Z. angebotenen Kurse und Ausbildungen im Bereich Waldbaden, vom vollwertigen Fernstudium pur (s. FAQ) bis zum staatlich zugelassenen ZfU-Fernstudium. Für eine nähere Beschreibung bitte ich dich auf die Seiten der Kursbeschreibung zu schauen. Hier stelle ich dir beide Kurse nur in Kurzform vor.
Dein Geburtsdatum für das Zertifikat, das Zeugnis und zur Kontrolle deiner Volljährigkeit
Bitte gib nebenstehend unter Deine Daten deinen Geburtstag (für Zertifikat, Zeugnis und zur Volljährigkeitsüberprüfung), deine Kontodaten (Inhaber, IBAN und Institut) an. Diese Daten benötige ich zur Vertragsannahme. Den Teil der Kontodaten kannst du bei einem Sofortkauf auslassen, er ist nur für die Ratenzahlung wichtig.
Got leftover candles?
From a candle weight of approx. 2 kilograms you could pack them in an old box and send them to me, bring them to me or I can pick them up. Within a radius of 15 kilometers around 19294. If you want to send them to me, I will of course pay the postage.
How are you?
Collect around 2 kilos of leftover candles and pack them in a box. Then just send me an email asking you to transfer the shipping costs. You can find my address here . If you really want to do something good for the animals, you are welcome to send me the box without calculating shipping costs and mail. Animal lovers who do this regularly and at no cost to the animal care center are welcome to be named and linked on my site. This is my thanks to you.
Do you have any questions or are you interested in adopting an animal? Then use the contact form now and write to me ;)
Natürlich berate ich dich gern rundum, allerdings habe ich auch einige Schwerpunkte, mit denen ich mich mehr beschäftige als mit anderen. Da wären meine speziellen Fünf, the big five oder auch meine Top Five: "Die natürliche Hausapotheke", "Frauenheilkunde", "Heiltees", "Dufte Sachen" und "DIY-Naturkosmetik". Hier kann ich gern als Referentin zu dir nach Hause oder in eine Institution kommen. Theoretisch und/oder praktisch. Sprich mich doch einfach mal an 😉
online education
incl. support, knowledge check, online campus, gift and much more.
For more information please move the mouse over it
This course is suitable for anyone who doesn't have the time or for whom other providers are too far away. This course takes place online as a distance learning course. The documents will be made available to you online via your campus area and as a download. After studying the documents, you let me know that there will be no exam (just a separate knowledge test after each module and a big one afterwards) and I will send you your certificate and a great reward.
You have unlimited time to work through your documents, as it is more flexible than in practical training. After successfully completing your forest bathing training, you will also receive a license to use the ZAN label. Even after you have completed your training, you will have free access to the online campus (course and public area) and permanent access to the ZAN VIP area for as long as you like. There you will always find updated study documents and more.
After completing the training, you will be a certified course instructor in Waldbaden ZAN©.
Content of the course is (only the module chapters, without subcategories):
Module 1: Basics of Shinrin Yoku - The Basics
Module 2: Compact forest ecology
_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Healing effects and ethereal essences of the forest
_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Communication system forest
Module 3: Basic knowledge about stress
_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ External influences and their effect on body, mind and soulModule 4: healing effects and areas of application
_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Indications and contraindications
_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Extra: forest bathing for children, disabled and seniors
Module 5: Using the possibilities of forest therapy correctly
_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Extra: How colors affect our mood and health
Module 6: Exercises and use of the senses
_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Extra: exercises for children, disabled and seniors
Module 7: Statutory and legal bases
_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Extra: Marketing
Course fee: 490 euros*
Incl. online campus and VIP area, documents (PDF), certificate of completion (email and post), 1-year access to the updated documents and gift
100% credit within one year for the online course "Forest bathing - for home use", 50% discount on advanced modules of the respective course and 10% discount on the next course (see documents for information).
Start: any time
Duration: 12 months
Payable: in advance before sending the documents by bank transfer. The bank details come with the purchase confirmation.
Cancellation: You can find the cancellation policy in the course information or here .
A notice:
If you have booked the online course "Forest bathing - for home use" within a year, I will credit you with this amount in full for this training! In order to be able to offer this course at a reasonable price, I have structured it in such a way that it does not fall within the scope of state approval.
I cannot accept any responsibility for damage or similar when copying the content. For private use, a forest pool is also possible without the permission of the forest owner.
Further courses for aroma consultants
Online training with supervision, homework, final exam, report card and certificate
Including printed documents
Incl. soft cover manual
490 euros
Online training with supervision, homework, final exam, report card and certificate
Including printed documents
Incl. hardcover manual
Incl. starter set essential oils (100% natural)
990 euros
Complete one-year training
Incl. practice (face-to-face appointments/block lessons)
and incl. all above-mentioned additions
(Hardcover, printed documents etc.)
1490 euros
Für eine außerordentliche Kündigung (ohne Grund, Nachweis notwendig) wird eine Bearbeitungsgebühr in Höhe von 50 Euro erhoben.