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Focus on Aromatherapy - Shinrin Yoku - Gynecology
und naturheilkundliche Onlinekurse
Owner N. Koepke
The forest as a doctor and natural pharmacy
They come from a tiny seed grain, grow old and huge and defy many a natural phenomenon: trees. They are essential for people and nature, offer protection, delight with their beauty and strength and even serve as nutrition, care and health promotion. Coniferous trees can be recognized very quickly and easily, even by laypeople. They are characterized by a rather dark green and have needles. If you walk through a coniferous forest, especially shortly after a rain shower, you will notice something else: it smells very strong. Coniferous trees contain very high levels of an essential oil in their bark and especially in their needles. Deciduous trees enchant with their magical aura. But they can do so much more than that. They provide shade in the garden, and their leaves heal many health problems. Don't you know it too, the linden blossom tea or linden blossom honey, which is particularly beneficial when you have a cold?! Well, everyone loves fruit trees and especially everyone who likes to nibble on fresh fruit or conjure up something edible with it. Grandma's fluffy plum cake, fresh applesauce, which tastes so great on a waffle, or fresh cherry juice.
On this page I will introduce you to all sorts of great ways you can use all the wonderful trees as a remedy, to support various ailments and much more. before.
Off to the forest, come with me...